
Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Reasons Why I'm Leaving Paris

1. I still can't work corkscrews.
2. R got a job in Southampton.

Finally my internet works properly!!! I've been using increasingly dodgy internet for the past 3 weeks but Family Parisian have finally got it sorted. So you've all missed out on some major news...

I was 20 a few weeks ago (finally no longer a youth!) and R and I went to a rather lovely hotel in Southampton to spend my birthday. He also had a job interview at the Southampton Docks. But for like, boat things. Not prostitute things. 

Anyway anyway anyway we found out a week ago that he'd gotten the job! Am so ridiculously proud of him and also so relieved because I was beginning to get tired of him always being offshore and not seeing him for weeks.

So why does that mean I'm leaving my coveted Paris? As much as I'd like to prove my mother wring and say it is not in any way me following a man around... It is a little bit that.

It's been a year since I met R and 9 months (ish) since we started dating. And during that entire time everything has been so up and down - leaving uni, the weekly trips between Aberdeen and Glasgow, him graduating and then being without a job, him getting temp jobs and disappearing for days on end, moving to Paris, living in different countries, I could go on. Actually no I couldn't; that's about it.

So yes, I want a little bit of stability in my life with him and I'd like to be settled down for a bit. I've also decided that looking after children is not my calling and would like to actually make a start in career that I actually enjoy. Unfortunately for Me With No Degree, that means starting from the bottom as a Christmas temp in retail until I can work out what my cunning plan will be.

R's going to look at some flats on Wednesday and hopefully sign a lease for one.Without me. I know. I chose them on the website though so hopefully I'll have picked some good ones. Everything's happening so fast! I've told the Family Parisian that I'm leaving and so I might even be back in the UK by the end of the month! TOO MUCH GOING ON!

Although R got me the greatest birthday present ever. I always used to play a Harry Potter computer game about 10 years ago that I was obsessed with. I never finished it because we upgraded our computer and I don't understand technology so that was that. R managed to find me a copy that will play on my current laptop and it is all the greatness in the world. Did anyone ever play this too?

Holy shit I have wasted so many hours on this.

So yes! That's the exciting news! I'm leaving Paris! And I'm a bit scared and so dizzy with excitement. ALSO WE MIGHT GET A CAT IN THE NEW PLACE AND THAT WOULD MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER, FLUFFIER PLACE.

Going to have to go calm down and defeat some Fire Crabs now in order to learn the Rictusempra spell and find me some silver Wizard Cards... K bye.

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