
Monday, 2 February 2015

Colds 'n' Shit

So I've just been knocked out for the past week with tonsillitis and a god awful cold. This has not been the best start to the year. But it's February now! Happy February, fuckers. I don't know if I like February more or less than January. With January, you've got the start of a new year - New Year New You and all that bollocks - and you're still cosied up in the warmth from Christmas. But, for me anyway, by the time the arse end of the month drags itself round, you're just begging for Spring. February is just a step towards Spring. I mean, I walked home from work yesterday and it was light! What is this madness.

But I'm getting better now and with the days slowly getting lighter, it's put a bit of a spring in my step. Not literally. That seems like exercise. I'm currently sitting in my very nice and tidy room (we had a flat inspection yesterday - all various forms of candles and oil burners were hastily stuffed into a suitcase) and drinking tea. Tea just makes everything better. Oh, and Joni Mitchell's playing. Joni Mitchell makes things better too.

I know you're all waiting with baited breath to hear about Slains Dinosaur (SD for short - you know I love my abbreviations almost as much as I love my codenames) and I shall not disappoint.

You guys, I think this could be something.

Now, I don't want to get all overexcited or anything. I mean, I'm just judging this on last weekend. You know we met up on Saturday and he stayed over. But he asked me out for a drink on Sunday which I accepted... Until I realised I'd 'accidentally' just gotten into my pjs and wound up sitting in bed watching Pretty Woman. So, I texted him to say sorry but I'd have to pass on the drink because Pretty Woman and bed beats going out in the Aberdonian weather any day. I also texted him to tell him how much I was craving pizza. Ten minutes later, he phoned me; 'Madame I am outside your flat with pizza, would you care to let me in?'

I MEAN!!!!! Can we just...???!!!!

And may I just clarify that it was PROPER pizza. Not just a Morrisons frozen job. A PROPER REAL HOT TAKEOUT PIZZA. WITH ALL THE CHEESE. God, cheese. Cheese completes me. Actually food in general completes me. My list of important things in life would go:

  • Food

  • Everything Else

I've completely forgotten what I was talking about now. Something about... Oh! Yes. So he came round with that god of a pizza on Sunday night. And we talked for hours. Legit proper actual hours. And he stayed over. And then had to leave at 5am. And then I gave him tonsillitis... What can I say, I like sharing.

So we were both knocked out with tonsillitis. However, he had to work every day doing boat related things whereas I could just lie in bed and look pathetic. Then he had to go offshore on Wednesday because of oil n stuff. We've been texting every day. And had an argument over snapchat. I've never quite understood snapchat. But ever since receiving a drawing of a submarine on fire from SD, I think I can kinda get behind it. Although he was a dick about it and started sending me photos of actual submarines. I am scared of submarines. As you do. It's not the idea of being in a submarine - I think I could do that. No it's like, imagine you were just calmly sitting in your little boat or canoe and then ALL OF A SUDDEN A SUBMARINE STARTS RISING OUT OF THE WATER AND IT'S ALL SLOW AND MENACING AND THE WATER'S FALLING OFF THE BACK OF IT AND... Nope. Nope nope nope. Thank you but nope.

Ahem. Yes, he sent me photos of submarines so I threatened to sell his £300 watch that he'd left here. As you do. He's just texted me to say he'll be back onshore on Sunday.

I'm kinda looking forward to seeing him.


  1. It's funny to read your boyfriend there (yeah I said it :0) working off shore. The Gulf coast is littered with rigs and I've had friends that worked off shore...dealing with their love lives from out there. In fact, one of my dearest friends Daddy operated rigs and he worked off the coast of Scotland a few times.

    Yeah I said it.

    1. Yeah you said it! Getting slightly ahead of ourself ARE WE?! Yep, looks like my dreams of finding me a rich oil man are slowly coming true. I knew moving here would work out eventually..

  2. I just found your blog today and oh MY god you are brilliant. xo

    LJLV | UK Personal Style

    1. Hahaha, why thank you. You have impeccable taste x
